In year 2016-17 three cadets namely Saqib Rahim, Amir ul Haq and Hamza Rashid got commissioned in Pakistan Army through PMA Long Courses
Quality Education
Come to learn and serve the nation. (CCS) Cadet College Sialkot Kotli Noonan Tehsil Sambrial District Sialkot
BOOKS & Skills
Young boys and girls housed separately are trained to serve the nation in a most befitting manner
Get professional education and reliable consultation by our team of certified teachers and instructors.
Upon successful completion receive a certificate showing your achievement for completing one of our rigorous classes.
Latest News & Events
Singular honour bestowed upon cadet college Sialkot by Govt of Punjab committee on Legend Moulana Zafar Ali Khan to stand as Honour Guard at his Mazar on his Barsi
Ex cadet Zahid Hussain is selected and joined PAF Academy Risalpur in 143 GD(P) flying course
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Quality Education
cadet college sialkot provides you a level of quality education.Every yera the college distinguishes itself by securing highest grades and Board positions
Physical Training
Physical training and drill is part of daily routine and its supervised/ trained by the most qualified staff with vast experience of such duties in PMA /PAF/NAVAL academies.
ISSB Training
The senior classes i.e. 11th & 12th are provided initial coaching for issb tests/interviews.A proper assault course facility is available for the cadets to have proper orientation with the physical standards required for ISSB
Religious Education
Five time prayers are compulsory for all students.Fasting in the month of Ramadadan for the legitimate age group students is compulsory.islamic studies is a compulsory subject .Recitation of the Holy Quran is mandatory and motivational talks on religion are delivered regularly
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Lady cadet Aqsa Ishaq joined in class 2 and now has toped the Board Exam 2015 Fsc in the whole District Sialkot
Now in MBBS 2nd prof in a Govt. Medical College in Punjab
Saddam Hussain

Cadet Saddam Hussain joined in 1st year.
He got scholarship in the top university of Australia.Now he is the owner and CEO of word’s best IT company JAXAT