- Video games, electric appliances, personal computers, mobile phones,
transistors, any kind of video / audio system. - Medicines other than those authorized by the college doctor or prescribed by their family doctors.
- Money other than the authorized pocket money.
- Costly wrist watch, gold chains, rings, bracelets, valuables e.t.c.
- Undesirable printed material (strongly prohibited).
- Explosive / combustible material.
College Rules
1. The cadets are not permitted to keep the following:

2. Cadets found guilty of the following offenses are liable for expulsion from the college:
- Cheating in exams, lying, stealing and any other immoral conduct
- Willfully and deliberately damaging the college property
- Keeping fire arms or prohibited knives.
- Being rude to staff and seniors. Rude behavior of student’s parents /
guardians towards staff. - Being habitually absent from the class or college without proper permission / reason.
- Being habitually unpunctual, untidy, and slovenly.
- Continuously giving poor performance in academics.
- Nonpayment of college dues in time.
- Breach of any college rules.
- Unbecoming conduct / unnatural offences.